03 Days Training of the Trainers Program (22-24 Feb, 2018) started today

03 Days Training of the Trainers Preogram (22-24 Feb, 2018) started today at KP Judicial Academy. During this ToT the practical application of these distinctive features will be highlighted. It is important to mention that irrespective of the topic and contents of the lecture,presentation, study circle and panel discussion, the manner and technique of delivery should be in consonance with these principles for creating meaningful learning environment for imparting
knowledge, skill and attitude (KSA), as explained below:

  • Knowledge: Perception, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation
  • Skill: Theory, Demonstration, Experience and Feedback
  • Attitude: A settled way of thinking or feeling about something; frame of mind or way of thinking

As many as 15 Judicial Officers from all cadres of District Judiciary participating in the program.


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