03-Day Training on Case & Court Management for Judicial Officers (18-21 September, 2017) concluded

Three Days  training on Case & Court Management for Judicial Officers from 18th to 20th September, 2017 concluded at KP Judicial Academy, Peshawar. Twenty Five  judicial officers from various districts  of the Province  participated in the training.
Background, Aim and Objectives of the Training Course:-  Previously with the support of UNDP, the Judicial Academy had successfully rolled out five days training on ‘Case and Court Management’ for Civil Judges cum Judicial Magistrates. However, in the due course of training it was realized that the trainees require more in-depth training on a particular subject area or areas of case management particularly pre and in trial proceedings in both civil and criminal cases in order to ensure courts meet their fundamental obligations to administer justice in a reasonable time.
       The focus was meant to ensure expediency, backlog and delay reduction, so as to restore confidence of the people. On the basis of experience learnt from the previous training conducted in the last week of July this year and in the light of feedback, the need was felt to conduct specialized training on case management. Therefore, by taking on board, our collaborating partner, UNDP, we decided to arrange extensive lectures on Pre-trial (Civil), Civil Trial, Pre-Trial (Criminal), and Criminal Trial Case Management Techniques, focusing on conferencing & scheduling. By doing so we not only trained 50 judges within the allocated budget for 25 participants but also succeeded in identification of the challenges making participants understand significance of case management techniques through dormant provision of the available legal framework.
        The first part of the report is introductory; the second part is divided into three separate sections, i.e. proceedings of the trainings, synopses of the lecture delivered and individual resource person evaluation. The third part encompasses a consolidated evaluation report. The last part of this report is the pictorial of training and the group photos. They were specifically trained to exercise more authority and proficiency on an array of delay reduction tools.
         The present report as such encompasses the activities of the focused training, conducted in September 2017. We hope that the impact study to be conducted after six months will reflect how useful this specialized activity was.


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