Concluding Cermony First Ever Pre Service Training For Newly Recruited Civil Judges cum Judicial Magistrates / Illaqa Qazies

The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. The Class Representative was invited to speak on behalf of the participants of the course. He applauded the efforts of the Academic Wing of this Academy, for devising such a comprehensive and practical course. He praised the administration for providing up to the mark logistics, food and boarding facilities. While making suggestions to improve the design of the course vis-à-vis practical application of the theory, mock trials, assignments linking to actual decided cases, more visits and familiarization to presentation methodology. The participants presented a painting to the Academy as a gesture of gratitude. The participants also presented a bouquet to each Director of the Academy and thanked the entire staff for making their visit comfortable. It was followed by the address of the Director General. During his speech the worthy DG highlighted the exemplary discipline of the participants and their zeal & devotion besides the interest towards the course. Thereafter the Honorable DG KPJA distributed the course completion certificate. The participants were, at the end offered lunch.


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