Day 3 activities of 5 days training of newly inducted Public Prosecutors (26th -30th July 2021)

Mr. Sangeen Shah Senior Public Prosecutor Malakand delivered a comprehensive lecture on prosecution of cases under special laws with focus on the Juvenile Justice System Act, 2018 and Child Protection and Welfare Act, 2010. Lecture was followed by visit of the trainee Prosecutors to the Forensic Sciences Laboratory, Peshawar where they were briefed about the administrative set-up and FSL and were shown the various sections and labs including the chemical examination lab, the handwriting and fingerprints section and the ballistics and firearms section. The experts demonstrated a few techniques and protocols used for physical and chemical analysis of various samples.  This was followed by a mock trial activity covering the stages of a criminal trial. Trainees were divided into 4 groups and assigned the tasks of scrutiny of formal charge, exhibition of documentary evidence, examination of witnesses including defense and hostile witnesses.


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