Day 4 activities of 5 days training of newly inducted Public Prosecutors (26th -30th July 2021).

Mr. Malik Amjad Inayat Advocate delivered an exhaustive discourse on Production & Exhibition of Case Property, ensuring safe custody and safe transit of case property and ensuring the availability of expert opinions and reports on the case files of criminal trials. Mr. Jalal ud Din Akbar e Azam Khan Gara Advocate, delivered a detailed lecture on the concept, logic and procedure for grant and refusal of bails in bailable and non-bailable cases. He also apprised the trainees about the procedure and requirements of anticipatory, transit and ad-interim pre-arrest bails. This was followed by a mock trial activity covering the final stages of a criminal trial. Trainees were divided into 4 groups and assigned the tasks of examination of witnesses including defense and hostile witnesses, examination of accused u/s 342 CrPC, statement of accused on oath u/s 340(2) CrPC, advancing final arguments, filing of criminal misc applications, appeals and revisions.


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