DAY-4 activities of week-long training for the Stenographers/ Steno typists of PHC.

Activities of Day- 4 started with a short feedback session on day-3 activities. Mr Shahid Nawaz, one of the randomly selected participants briefly commented on activities of the previous day.
1st discourse of the day was by Mr Sharafat Choudhry, Advocate on Grammar for Legal Writing with a special focus on word & sentence structure, use of Article, Preposition and Office writing tips.
As Mr Zaeem Ahmad being indisposed was substituted by Mr Amir Bashir Awan, PS (Administration ) to HCJ, PHC. His discourse was focused on Office Correspondence including Modes & types of correspondence, Secretariat Instructions on Correspondence 1988 & 2008, Part- III.  Besides, relevant rules under High Court Rules & Orders Vol- IV, chapter 19-A.
After the lunch break, the final discourse was by Mr Azhar Ali, Senior Director Research & Publication on Legal Terminologies. Before the lecture, he also shared the written material containing legal terminologies along with meaning & usages.


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