The role of an advocate assumes a greater significance with every passing time. Effective service delivery is a sine quo non for maintaining the confidence of the people in the justice system of the country. Hence we are faced with a huge task to promote legal values, ethical standards and rule of law. Since there is always scope & need for the improvement, so therefore, and on the basis of experience from the two conducted trainings for the young lawyers we deemed it appropriate to introduce some modifications and changes in the modules.
A Week long training program for young lawyers of batch Four was arranged at KP Judicial Academy. The realization of the fact that lawyers need formal class room training is, no doubt, a paradigm shift. While experience has no match, one can’t help appreciate the usefulness of a learning environment a class room provides. The aims and objectives of the training were to inculcate and promote ethical values and standards; contribute to the capacity building of all stakeholders of the justice sector, gain diverse and ethical knowledge of ethics of the profession, explore failures of professional skills and how to address them, follow in letter and spirit the dictum of "Bench and Bar as two wheels of a chariot". Of great significance was the keen interest of the lawyers in the learning environment provided here. This is a matter of extreme happiness both for the Academy and the lawyers’ community. The Academy is happy because it successfully inched forward to include lawyers (and that too in such a large number)—another key stakeholder in the administration of justice. The Bar must be happy as it successfully took an initiative to become part of the capacity building program of the Academy.