Letter of Agreement (LOA) signed between UNDP and KP Judicial Academy on 10th July, 2017 at KP Judicial Academy Peshawar

   A Letter of Agreement between United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and KP Judicial Academy Peshawar for research study, Development of a software for law search index, capacity building of  judicial officers, lawyers and courts staff  under strengthening "Rule of  Law " Program signed on 10th July 2017 at KP Judicial Academy Peshawar. This LOA is effective from 1st July, 2017 to 31st December, 2017. LOA signing ceremony was held at BOG Hall of the Academy and on behalf of Country Director, UNDP, Ignacio Artaza, Mr. Ijaz Ali singed and on behalf of KP Judicial academy, Director General, KPJA, Mr. Muhammad Masood Khan. The Senior Director Administration, KPJA, Mr. Muhammad Asif  Khan, Dean Faculty, KPJA, Khawaja Wajihuddin, Director Instructions II, Mr. Zia ul Rehman and Director Instructions III Ms. Hajra Rahman were also present at the occasion.   

KPJA Work  Plan (1st  July to 31st December 2017)

v  Support Training of lawyers on ADR.
v  Pre Consultation meeting for planning the National conference on ADR.
v  National Conference on ADR.
v  Training of Judicial officers and Court Staff on upgraded and specialized training Manuals.
v  Research on FATA.
v  Establishment of law search Index.


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