One Day Workshop on Problem & Prospects of Anti Terrorism Law held on 23rd Feb 2015

One Day Workshop on Problem & Prospects of Anti Terrorism Law held on 23rd Feb 2015.
The participants included Judges of ATC, Prosecutors and Investigators. All the Judges of the ATC attended the workshop.
Dr. Khurshid Iqbal, Dean Faculty KPJA gave a presentation on “Problems & prospects of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Law”. After the presentation the participants were divided into 05 groups, each group of participants was assigned topics to deliberate upon and make recommendations and suggestions.
Mr. Justice Yahya Afridi, Puisne Judge Peshawar High Court graced the occasion and interacted with the participants during the group activities, he keenly observed the deliberations during the group activities and highly appreciated the inputs of the participants.
The recommendations and suggestions were keenly heard and endorsed.


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