02 – DAY WORKSHOP ON “PROBATION AND PAROLE LAWS” for Judges and Officers Reclamation & Probation Directorate (17TH – 18TH APRIL, 2024)

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy (KPJA), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), hosted a two-day workshop on "Probation and Parole Laws." Twelve District & Sessions Judges and ten Officers from the Directorate of Reclamation & Probation participated in the workshop. Mr. Inam Ullah Wazir, Registrar, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar graced the occasion as chief guest.
Day 1:
The inaugural session
The opening session commenced with welcome remarks from Ms. Farah Jamshed, Director General, KPJA. She emphasized the significance of convict’s rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. She expressed her hope that the workshop would foster a productive environment for in-depth discussions and a shared understanding of the relevant laws and future directions.
Mr. Inam Ullah Wazir, Registrar, Peshawar High Court, in his keynote speech highlighted the role of Probation and Parole Laws as a lifeline for those seeking redemption and reintegration into society as productive citizens. He urged that the participating judges and justice sector stakeholders must strive to uphold the legacy established by champions of justice.
Ms. Caitlin Chittenden, Senior Rule of Law and Justice Reforms Specialist, UNDP attended the inaugural session on behalf of UNDP.
All the directors and officers of the Academy attended the inaugural session.
Formal Discussions:
Mr. Muhammad Asif Khan, District & Sessions Judge, Nowshera, led the initial sessions by delving into “Probation & Parole Law & Rules”. Subsequently, Ms. Farah Jamshed, Director General, KP Judicial Academy explored “Sentencing Law”, outlining the core legal principles involved. The day culminated in an interactive session. Mr. Farooq Ahmed, Deputy Director (Admin), Reclamation & Probation Directorate, provided insights into the institutional framework for implementing these laws. This was followed by a valuable experience-sharing session among participants.
Day 2:
The second training day began with a review of the previous day's discussion. Subsequently, participants were divided into three groups to explore specific aspects of the law. Each group was assigned a task to delve deeper into their assigned topic.
The last session of the day concluded with presentations from each group on their assigned areas of focus.
The closing ceremony was presided over by Mr Justice Ishtiaq Ibrahim, Chief Justice Peshawar High Court, Peshawar accompanied by Registrar, Member Inspection Team and PSO. Ms Farah Jamshed, Director General, KP Judicial Academy, welcomed the honourable Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court, at the concluding ceremony. All the Directors of the Academy and Ms. Caitlin Chittenden, Senior Rule of Law and Justice Reforms Specialist, UNDP were present at the concluding ceremony.
In closing remarks, his lordship emphasized the critical role of participants under the Probation and Parole Law. He elaborated on the historical significance of this law, highlighting its role in promoting a more just and humane society. He gifted a book titled “Probation & Parole by Howard Abadinsky” from his personal collection to the Academy.
His Lordship urged participants to share the knowledge gained from the workshop with colleagues and stakeholders within the criminal justice system. He appreciated the support of UNDP in collaborating with the Academy in organizing the workshop.
Certificates were distributed among the participants at the end of the concluding ceremony, followed by a group photo and refreshment.


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