04-Day Training Course on “Strengthening the Application of Bail Provisions for Juveniles in Conflict with Law” for Justice Sector held on December 07-10, 2016with support of UNICEF

Children are the building blocks of the society and to a large extent future guardian and custodians of the human civilization. Juvenile justice system is a key component of criminal justice system. Notwithstanding of the fact that states have international human rights obligation to protect, respect and fulfil the internationally recognized human rights of children. The obligations of the state assume greater significance, when it happens to be in regard to those children who come in conflict with law. As a disadvantaged group, children have a right to be treated and protected in special and differential manner.  It is the primary responsibility of the state to protect and promote the rights of the child.  Childrenwho break the law do not do so of their own free will, but rather as a result of restricted opportunities available for their development. Such opportunities become even more restricted once they enter the criminal justice system.
            Juveniles from risk groups that could get in conflict with the law are often victims of abuse and neglect, negligent and poor parenting and economic difficulties. Juvenile delinquency is not a success story, but evidence of the society failing to ensure protective environment for its children. Labeling such children results in exclusion from society rather than assistance in their rehabilitation. If juvenile offenders continue being criminalized while at the same time being denied a ‘second chance’ that they deserve, their ‘chances’ will lead to nothing but their reoffending when they grow up.
            With this background the KP Judicial Academy organized a 04 day training course on “strengthening the application of bail provisions for juveniles in conflict with law’.  The significance of the workshop lied in the fact that it was specific and well focused. A participatory and interactive methodology was followed. Those participated were drawn from diverse justice sector institutions, such as, judiciary, probation and parole, prison and prosecution.  The participants greatly appreciated that the discussion on the topics will help them broaden their vision and improve their performance in the protecting and promoting the rights of the child more efficiently and effectively


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