Announcement: Positions Vacant at KP Judicial Academy

Applications are invited for appointment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy, Peshawar agaist the following vacant posts. Candidates having domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa fulfilling the below mentioned criteria may apply on or before 25th September, 2017.
1.       Assistant, BPS 16
2.       Computer Operators, BPS 16
3.       Stenographer, BPS 15
4.       Steno-Typist, BPS 14
5.       Telephone Operator (Female), BPS 05
6.       Chef, BPS 05
7.       Driver, BPS 04
8.       Naib Qasid, BPS 01
9.       Technician (Plumber), BPS 01
10.   Machine/ Generator Operator, BPS 01
11.   Electrician / Tube Well Operator, BPS 01
12.   Waiter, BPS 01
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