Capacity Building training of Bailiffs and Process Servers (14-15 Sep, 2018) in KPJA concluded

A series for capacity building trainings for the court staff of district judiciary (14-15 Sep, 2018) concluded. The training of this series comprises of the court staff of district judiciary Peshawar.
The training has mainly focused two cadres of court staff, i.e. Bailiffs and Process servers.
The course includes lectures on their job description as mentioned in Judicial Esta code. The topics includes
·         Ethics & Mannerism,
·         Service, Kinds/ Modes, Affixation,
·         Common Mistakes in Process Serving with Focus on Report Writing,
·         Arrest, Detention & Search
·         Execution of decree & role of Process Serving Agency and Report writing
·         Warrant of Possession & Delivery of Possession: Theory & Demonstration
·         Communication Skills: Urdu
The resource persons included faculty members of the Academy and Judges from the District Judiciary.

A simple concluding ceremony held on the last day of training. Dr. Khurshid Iqbal, Director General, distributed certificates amongst the participants.


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