First Ever Research Studies Initiated by KP Judicial Academy

Saturday June 29, 2013

Chairman KPJA / Chief Justice Peshawar High Court, Justice Dost Muhammad Khan formally inaugurated Research Studies at the KP Judicial Academy.

Three Research studies will be conducted by the Academy's Research Wing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the following topics

·         ADR: Gaps between Formal and Informal Justice System

·         Whether the present Judicial System Introduced in Malakand Division can deliver the Justice to ensure Peace?

·         Civil cases culminating into criminal cases: a baseline study on trends in crimes in Swat

Research studies are being funded by the UNDP and World Bank.

Director General KPJA Syed Hayat Ali Shah, Sr. Director Research & Publication Mr. Aamir Nazir and Director Research Barrister Dr. Adnan Khan was present at the occasion.


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