Four Days Training on Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibilities for Newly Inducted Lawyers 12-15 September, 2022

Four Days Training on Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibilities for Newly Inducted Lawyers 12-15 September, 2022.

A four days training on legal ethics & professional responsibilities for newly inducted lawyers commenced at KP Judicial Academy. Participants from NMDs joined the session.

In an inaugural session, the Director General (acting)KPJA, Mr. Ihsanullah Khan Mehsud highlighted the importance of training for all stakeholders of Judicial System. He emphasized on doing just in advocacy by seeking guidance from the injunctions of Holy Quran. Inaugural session was followed by academic discourse on Role and Responsibilities of Lawyers in Islam by Molana Sham-ul-Haq advocate. The discourse was followed by session on legal Ethics and Professional conduct by Mr. Azhar Ali, Station Director KPJA. Mr. Farooq Khan Sr. Research officer, KPJA shared law search techniques through search engine.


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