One Day Program on "Awareness Program on Support to the Reclamation and Probation Service (APSRPS)" at KPJA, on 13th July, 2017

         The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Reclamation and Probation Director Mr. Mualim Jan Aramzai and District and Session Judge Peshawar Mr. Anwar Ali chaired a Reclamation and Probation Awareness Campaign Workshop at the Judicial Academy in Peshawar on 13th July 2017 to create awareness and promote a better understanding of the role and function of the Reclamation and Probation Service in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Criminal Justice Sector.
              Representatives from the Reclamation and Probation Directorate, Home and Tribal Affairs, Police Department, Judiciary, DOST Foundation and Civil Society representatives from Peshawar, Mansehra, Abbottabad Charsadda, Mardan, Kohat and D.I Khan Districts were present at the event.
              The participants at the workshop discussed the modalities of promoting an awareness campaign that will highlight the advantages of parole and probation, over prison sentences for criminal offenders who qualify for the system. When probation and parole are managed well, they can help reduce recidivism and reduce prison populations. This can ultimately reduce the overall crime rate and increase the safety of citizens.
           The campaign will have a special focus on the Juvenile Justice System in the context of the application of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance and the importance of the system for juveniles.
            The Reclamation and Probation Directorate will use the key message identified in the workshop to promote their work with the other stakeholders in the Criminal Justice Sector and Civil Society in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
             The workshop was facilitated by European Union funded Citizens Justice and Peace Programme (CJPP) which is a three year EU-funded Programme, implemented in collaboration with the Government of KP, aimed at improving Home and Tribal Affairs’ Department and Police’s responsiveness to citizens’ security and justice needs by strengthening institutional capacity, inter-departmental coordination and civil society engagement.


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