Four Weeks Post-Promotion Statutory Training for Additional District & Sessions Judges/Izafi Zilla Qazis concluded formally at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy (KPJA) on May 30, 2023. Mr. Justice Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Hon’ble Senior Puisne Judge, Peshawar High Court and Vice Chairman the Board of Governors KPJA, honored the occasion as a chief guest. The Registrar and Member Inspection Team, of the High Court also accompanied him. The Director General KPJA, Dean Faculty and all Directors were present at the occasion.

Mr. Issa Khan Afridi, Class Representative thanked the Academy for designing diverse training program that helped them in refining their personality not only as judicial officer but as person too.

Ms. Farah Jamshed, Director General KPJA, expressed gratitude to the Chief Guest for gracing the concluding ceremony. She shed light on various components of the training including week long study tour to Lahore High Court, Punjab Judicial Academy, Punjab Forensic Science Agency and Fountain House, Lahore with logistic support of UNDP. She wished trainees, the best of luck for their future endeavors.

 Mr. Justice Muhammad Ibrahim Khan shared his professional and experiential journey with the participants. He encouraged participants to have undaunted faith in Allah while administering justice.

After formal speeches, course completion certificates were conferred to the participants. Besides, three Awards – ‘Best Player’, ‘Well Dressed Judicial Officer’, and ‘Best Presenter’ were conferred to Mr. Muhammad Sher Ali, Additional District & Sessions Judge (Best Player), Mr. Qaiser Khan Afridi, Additional District & Sessions Judge (Best Presenter during presentation Session) and Mr. Adam Khan, Additional District & Sessions Judge (Well Dressed during entire training). Special certificates “Star of Academy’s Night” and “Lady of the event” were conferred to Mr. Adam Khan, Additional District & Sessions Judge and Ms. Shams-ul-Huda Salarzai, Additional District & Sessions Judge.

 The Chief Guest was presented with a plaque by the Director General of the Academy and a souvenir by the participants.

Click here to view Pictorial Journey of the Activities


Photos of Concluding Ceremony


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