Training on Consumer Laws for District Officers of Directorate of Industries & Commerce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, (Consumer Protection Council Wing)

The Training of District Officers from Directorate of Industries & Commerce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa concluded in KP Judicial Academy on 6th September 2018. This was a four day training which will mainly focus on various related issues like Implementation of Consumer Protection Act 1997 (amended 2017), Office Management/Administration and Accounts/ Budget. The participants of the training include District Officers from Abbottabad, Charsadda, Haripur, Peshawar, Swabi, and Swat. The resource persons from different departments hold interactive sessions with the participants on the above mentioned topics. The concluding ceremony of the training held on 6th September.  This training was conducted on the request of Directorate of Industries & Commerce KP Peshawar.


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