Two Days Specialized Training on Financial Crimes for Judicial Officers on 19-20 July 2017

 Two days(19th and 20th July, 2017) training course on Financial Crimes for Judicial officers was held at KP Judicial Academy Peshawar. Twenty five Judicial officers (6 District and Session Judges and  19 Additional District and Session Judges) across the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa participated in the Training course.
Concluding ceremony was held at KP Judicial Academy and Director General KP Judicial Academy Muhammad Masood Khan along with Senior Director Administration, Muhammad Asif Khan , Dean Faculty Khawaja Wajihuddin and other officers of KP Judicial Academy attended the ceremony.
 Addressing the concluding ceremony DG, KP Judicial Academy, Muhammad Masood Khan stated that the objective of the two day Training course was that the participants
(Judicial officers) understand the basic concept of financial crime; Identify the economic impacts of financial crime on economic development. He said that this was the 2nd Training Program in its nature and objective. At the end participants were awarded with Certificates by the DG, KP Judicial Academy.


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