Visit of delegation from National Centre for State Courts & CODE Pakistan (September 15, 2023)

A delegation of National Centre for State Courts (NCSC) United States and Code Pakistan visited the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy on September 15, 2023.  The delegation comprised of Mr. Dilawar Khan, Founder & President of Code Pakistan, Mr. Sardar Ali Raza ASC, Consultant on Court Proceedings & Liaison, Ms. Rebecca Castelluci, Team leader, Ms. Courtney Blankenship, Mr. Carlos Jimenez Gomez and Mr. Bruce Curran members.

The objective of the visit was to discuss the Pakistan Criminal Justice Case Management System (CMS) – an initiative jointly taken by the Federal Judicial Academy, NCSC and CODE Pakistan, training programs and the role of the Academy in building case management and IT capacity of justice sector professionals for efficient case management.

The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Muhammad Shoaib (Acting), Director General and the directors of the Academy. The Director General briefed the participants about aims, objectives and mandate of the Academy, training activities and its future vision. The participants had a brief interaction during the session as well. Later, the delegation visited various sections of the Academy.


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