One-Day Workshop on Criminal Justice Coordination Committee held

A day long workshop on Criminal Justice Coordination Committee (CJCC) was organized for as many as 40 District & Sessions Judges (DSJs), including those recently promoted 25 DSJs, who were on a 05 day course on judicial administration.  It is widely observed that the CJCCs have grown stereotype.  The workshop aimed at restoring the CJCCs to their initial days of enthusiasm. Mr. Muhammad Azim Khan Afridi, District & Sessions Judge was resource person for the workshop. In different groups, the participants discussed certain key themes and worked closely to suggest strategy for solution of problems. In plenary session, the recommendations were consolidated, which were then shared with hon’ble the Chairman in the concluding ceremony. Dr Khurshid Iqbal, the Dean of Faculty suggested that the Academy may develop SOPs for the CJCCs and conduct research for further development and innovation.


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