2 – Day Pilot Training for Women Lawyers on representing Legal Aid Clients 13-14 September, 2023

Twenty (20) women lawyers from district Peshawar attended a 02 – Day Pilot Training on representing Legal Aid Clients at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy, arranged in collaboration with UNDP.
Ms. Caitlin Chittenden, Senior Rule of Law and Justice Reform Specialist of UNDP Pakistan welcomed the participants and highlighted the objectives of training. Mr. Muhammad Shoaib, Director General (Acting), in his keynote address emphasized on the right to legal aid and its provision to the litigants. He underscored the need for strengthening District Legal Empowerment Committees (DLECs) for ensuring sustainable and accessible legal aid services. All Directors of the Academy also attended the Session.
The objective of the training was to increase lawyers’ awareness and understanding of DLEC Rules, increasing the gender responsiveness of the DLEC, imparting them with skills to better represent women litigants and providing more gender responsive legal aid to them.


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