Reports - Seminars & Workshops

Cover Title Author / Editor Subject/Topic File
Report on 02 DAY Seminar on Proposed Amendment in CrPC and PPC, March 21-22, 2017 Khawaja Wajihuddin seminar, crpc, ppc, amendments
Report: Think- Tank on 18th Amendment Qazi Attaullah & Dr. Khursheed Iqbal think, tank, constitutional, amendment, 18
SEMINAR REPORT SUCCESSES & FAIILURES OF THE SHAR’’AII NIIZAM--E--ADL REGULATIION,, 2009 Zia-ul-Hassan shari, niazam, adl, regulations PDF icon KPJA-Seminar Report Nov 29, 2014.pdf
REPORT One Day Seminar on Criminal Justice Coordination Committee Zia-ul-Hassan report, seminar, criminal, justice, cooridination, committee PDF icon KPJA-Workshop Report CJCC.pdf
DISTRICT JUDICIARY, MARDAN, PTP-PLAN, 6 Months Progress Report About "Pre Trial Pursuit" - Plan Syed Yahya Zahid Gilani Pre Trial Pursuit Plan PDF icon District-Judiciary-PTP-Mardan-Report-2014a.pdf
ONE DAY SEMINAR ON IMPORTANCE OF JUDICIAL SENTENCING REPORT Khurshid Iqbal Importance of Sentencing PDF icon sentencing jurisprudence report.pdf



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